About Storybook Path

Each and everyone of us has a story of our past. It’s what makes us who we are today. However, most of us aren’t aware that we create our own story by default, and what we view as circumstances in our life.

The truth is, we have the power and the potential to create the life we desire. In other words, we become what we think about ourselves. This can be a key to success or failure, it’s a double edged sword.

Our minds and brains are formed at a very early age by prominent caregivers. For example, if you grew up feeling the emotions of scarcity, this will go straight into your subconscious mind, your memory, and fester there. And this can often cause us to grow into conforming, complacent grown-ups.

It is our birthright to seek our highest potential and what better way than to ask ourselves, “What would I LOVE?”, and go about learning how to have those things in your life. Create a new story on your StoryBook Path. 


Janet Snyder, is the creator of StoryBookPath.com a 30-day personal development program and eBook designed to help you discover and live the life you love and desire. After finding her enthusiastic, authentic voice and true strength from her own personal struggle with the negative aftereffects endured from mental and emotional childhood/young adult trauma, Janet’s fulfilling her life purpose of helping others. 

Also, Founder of StoryBook Cottages, she uses her well-earned degree for interior design and her vivacious love of the earth designing playhouses constructed from recycled materials and sustainable living green rooftops. Janet is the mother of three and a “Nan” to her grandchildren who also live in her hometown of Louisville, Kentucky.