Hilda here. Let me introduce you to the Silver Sisters, my friends who write short tales (thoughtfully, whimsically illustrated) about life's challenging experiences of becoming a Grown-up!

Janet Snyder and Kathleen Karrer Canova
Fifty year+ friends, and self-proclaimed Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) on various human behaviors based on their own lived experiences, Kathy and Janet have teamed up to help others on their path to create a life full of joy and abundance.

How it all began ~ 
In the Fall of 2022, Kathy invited Janet to visit in Colorado! While they’d become friends back in Junior High School in Louisville, Kentucky in the 70s, they’d been focused on their own life journey for decades. After spending time together, during those clear, crisp mornings in the Rocky Mountains, catching up on their own lived experiences in authentic and transparent conversations, enjoying warm beverages, that often flowed into evenings over refreshing glasses of pinot grigio… suddenly, the seeds were planted for Silver Series of Grown-Up Wisdom. 

Meet the Authors

Janet Snyder, is the creator of StoryBookPath.com a 30-day personal development program and eBook designed to help you discover and live the life you love and desire. After finding her enthusiastic, authentic voice and true strength from her own personal struggle with the negative aftereffects endured from mental and emotional childhood/young adult trauma, Janet’s fulfilling her life purpose of helping others.

Also, Founder of StoryBook Cottages, she uses her well-earned degree for interior design and her vivacious love of the earth designing playhouses constructed from recycled materials and sustainable living green rooftops. Janet is the mother of three and a “Nan” to her grandchildren who also live in her hometown of Louisville, Kentucky. 

Kathleen Canova, successful entrepreneur and founder of the Canova Group, LLC, has facilitated and educated many regarding domestic crisis intervention, including deep emotional and spiritual healing practices. Rooted from her own lived experiences, and after extensive training and certifications, she shares her heartfelt hope, passion and inspiration with humankind. 

Living in Westminster, Colorado near her adult children and grandchildren, who affectionately call her “Yaya,” she enjoys spending quality time with family and friends when she’s not reading, writing and traveling.